Individual & Family Services for Adults 22+

Empowering Individuals and Families: Connecting You to Essential Resources and Support
The Arc of Cowlitz County’s Individual and Family Services team serves as an information hub and connector to Cowlitz and Wahkiakum County’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities adult resources and services. We work with adults 22 and older with I/DD and their families to identify needs, fill support gaps, and connect individuals to meaningful services. Our team provides one-on-one support for accessing DDA services, social security benefits, housing and transportation, employment and day services, decision-making information, future planning, and other adult community and state resources.
Our Approach
Awareness and Education: We engage individuals, families, and the community to increase knowledge about adult services, including DDA, supported decision-making, guardianship information, housing options, future planning, and more.
Individual Consultation and Advocacy: One-on-one support for adults 22+ and their families with navigating services such as DDA, Social Security, housing, supported decision-making, guardianship, and special education systems.
Form Assistance: We help individuals complete applications for Social Security, DVR, housing, DDA, SSI, and other services.
Resource Room: We offer access to computers, printers, notary services, and tools for guardianship information, DDA meetings, and other adult services.
Collaboration with Local Partners: We partner with local agencies like Parks and Recreation , YMCA, and Lower Columbia College to maximize resources and promote inclusion.

Informing Families – Ages 21-40 & Ages 40+
ABLE Savings & DD Endowment Trust (link to: “able vs. Endowment" pdf in SharePoint)
Contact us
Individual & Family Services Program Coordinator Intern: Ashley Sutton
Direct line: (360) 644-6895
Email: AshleySutton@lifeworkswa.org