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Our Mission
Promoting and protecting the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
600 + Local Chapters
Learn about our chapter

The Cowlitz County Chapter
Life Works is a member of The Arc of Cowlitz County. The Arc of Washington State advocates for quality services and necessary funding to meet the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families including birth to three services, special education, employment and residential supports, health care, transportation, respite and inclusion in the community.
Your membership enables The Arc to:
- Offer guidance to those who need help.
- Promote the self-sufficiency, independence and inclusion of children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) in education employment, and community living.
- Support self-advocacy through education and technical assistance.
- Assist those living in congregate settings who want to live more independently in community residential settings.
- Encourage progressive legislation, both in policy and the state budget.
- Provide options for individuals with I/DD to evaluate how to best use and save their money that doesn’t affect their benefits.

Check out The Arc Website
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