Services for Birth-13
Our mission is to be a resource to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families so they can live, learn, and grow in their community; experiencing dignity, respect, and fulfillment.

More about The Arc Services
Do you know someone who experiences an intellectual or developmental disability?
How we can help:
DDA Applications
Educational Advocacy - IEP/504 Support
Parent Support
Resource Navigation
Sensory Gym
Supported Decision Making/Guardianship Resources
Transition Services (Ages 16-21)
Family and Community Support Services provide one-to-one support to families and individuals who need support to obtain services, DVR services, IEP and 504 support and advocacy, one-to-one support and training with things like accessing DDA services, social security benefits, guardianship resources, and other related community and state services.
Parent 2 Parent is a powerful network in assisting and supporting a disabled child and their family. We provide support, connection to other parents, and resources for families of children with developmental disabilities and healthcare needs.

Tuesday and Friday Morning
For children ages 0-5
10:00 am - 12:00 pm